
Thank You, Your Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty!

Whoever said the Imperial and Royal Army of Austria-Hungary never did anything for them in 1910 never had a chance to use their 3rd Military Mapping Survey on the Internet a century later.

This 1:200,000 topographic map covers all of Central Europe from Cologne to Istanbul, from Nice to Kiev, and from Szczecin to Rome. The scale of Venice and Istanbul below (reduced 50% here) should give you an idea of how detailed this map is. If you are interested in doing detailed historical and/or genealogical research on the Balkans, Central Europe, southern Germany, or northern Italy. It's also useful for planning a revolution, if you can manage to travel back in time first.

A Monarchia III. katonai felmérése: Közép-Európa általános földrajzi térképének (1:200 000) szelvénybeosztása (index map has names of cities in Hungarian, 267 individual maps in German, Polish, Italian, etc.)